Incoming | |
Protocol / Account type | IMAP |
Server | |
Name | Firstname Lastname |
Email address | |
Password | Ircam password |
Username | Ircam login |
Security | TLS |
Server port | 993 |
Outgoing | |
Server | |
Port | 587 |
Security | StartTLS |
Username | Ircam login |
Password | Ircam password |
⚠️ If you use Thunderbird and UTF-8 characters (like é, è, ẞ allemand, etc.), use at least version 57.
⚠️ If you use Apple Mail, change SMTP server settings (Mail > Preferences) and unmark "Automaticaly detect settings" (this may look differently (either in wording or in a submenu) according to the software version)