Connect at Ircam with OpenVPN

(disponible en français)

Preliminary notes

Last revision : v14

You will find 2 OVPN files :

Always pick the first one. In somes cases, it will fail. It's due to network AND operating system combined so it's possible that the configuration work (or not) and then stop (or begin) working when moving. If it fails, uses the "reduit" ("reduced") version.

If you pick the "reduit" version but the normal version should work, you may have some random disfonctions in your network.


  1. Download Tunnelblick on the official website and the configuration files.
  2. Install Tunnelblick, uncompress the zip file
  3. Once launched, an icon is shown in menubar
  4. Select Ircam_v14.ovpn file from the archive drag it in the Tunnelblick icon
  5. Left clic then "connect to Ircam" to initiate connection. Enter your Ircam login and password et voilà !


  1. Download the configuration files.
  2. Use ircam-ca.crt et Ircam_v14.ovpn in your VPN connexion helper (NetworkManager, openvpn, etc.)

If simple configuration from NetworkManager does not work, here is the step by step :

  1. Install network-manager-openvpn (and network-manager-openvpn-gnome if needed).
  2. Create a new OpenVPN connection with the following informations :
  • Gateway :
  • Type : Password
    • Username : Your Ircam login
    • Password : Your Ircam password
    • Ca Certificate : ircam-ca.crt file
  • Advanced
    • Device type : TUN
    • UDP fragment size : 1400
    • Restrict TCP maximum segment size (MSS) : oui
    • Accept authenticated packets from any address (Float): oui
  1. Activate the VPN from the network applet, when a lock appears on the icon : we're good !


  1. Download the install wizard from OpenVPN website and configuration files (right clic → save as...).
  2. Install the software
  3. Open your file manager and type in the address bar : %USERPROFILE%/OpenVPN/config
  4. Copy ircam-ca.crt and Ircam_v14.ovpn in this folder
  5. Launch OpenVPN : Star menu → Programs → OpenVPN → OpenVPN GUI (note: It must be launched as administrator)
  6. An icon is in the taskbar. Right clic on it and clic "connect".
  7. Enter your Ircam credentials, et voilà !
  8. When is icon is green, the connection is established (red = no connection, yellow = connection in progress).